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More about Superman!!!

Well we have went through the early, young, teenage and starting at the Daily Planet for Clark Kent or also known as Superman.� Now to go past and see what happens to him.� Well Clark was a good reporter, got the first story and pictures of Superman.� Everyone loved him,... Continue reading "More about Superman!!!" »

Superman: The beginning of Clark Kent

I am sure you have all heard the story of Superman. Here is a reminder if you have or the whole thing alittle faster if not. First his real name is Kal-el, he came from Krypton, which was 8 universes away from our universe. Krypton was a very smart planet,... Continue reading "Superman: The beginning of Clark Kent" »

Superman: Clarks Teenage years and alittle bit beyond!

Well like I said Clark Kent always knew he had special powers but really didn't use them whenhe was very young. Then came his teenage years. High school years I should call them. We all had them and Clark was not immune although he was a powerful person. He hated... Continue reading "Superman: Clarks Teenage years and alittle bit beyond!" »

My love for the Great Lakes!!

Hey ladies and gents, I usually write about Jesus Christ but today I am writing about another love of mine. The Great Lakes!! I hve always loved the lakes. Hell, I live about 5-7 minutes away from the longest of them, Lake Michigan. I have been to all 5 of... Continue reading "My love for the Great Lakes!!" »

The Apostles Creed

The Apostles Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell.... Continue reading "The Apostles Creed" »

Which to chose? Protestant or Catholic?

Hi there brothers and sisters in Christ, First I wanted to say I am not a really big fan of the changes cause I would rather have my own blog but it does make it easier. Secondly, I have been trying to find my denomination in the Christian church or... Continue reading "Which to chose? Protestant or Catholic?" »

Two stages of our lives!!

Hello to all my brothers and sisters in Christ, I was reading the book THE TEACHING OF CHRIST: A CATHOLIC CATECHISM FOR ADULTS and within the first chapter something jumped at me. It told of two stages of our lives. One was HOPE and JOY and the other one was... Continue reading "Two stages of our lives!!" »

A Commpassionate God??

Hi there brothers and sisters of Christ, Interesting stuff happened a few days ago, well about a week ago. I told you about my uncle being sick and dying, well his son, but not a real son of his, emailed me, my mom and my brother and started cussing us... Continue reading "A Commpassionate God??" »

The right denomination, the right Church!!

Hi there brothers and sisters of the Christian faith, I have been doing alot of reading on the Catholic faith and have found out its a great denomination of the Christian faith. Yes its strict but thats what some people need. I haven't decided yet on what I should do... Continue reading "The right denomination, the right Church!!" »

Needing a prayer for a family member!!!

Hey there brothers and sisters in Christ, I come to you today on bended knee asking for a prayer for my dads brother, my uncle Doug. He has been battling lung and liver cancer and a bad heart for close to 4-5 years on and off that is. He was... Continue reading "Needing a prayer for a family member!!!" »

Psalm 23

This is one of my favorite Psalms from the Bible. Hope you all enjoy it and get peace from it, like I do. God bless and remember Jesus saves!!! The Lord is my Shepherd - Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to... Continue reading "Psalm 23" »

Valentine's Day: The Greatest Love Story!!!

Download 3A11CCBAE37A4A76A4B1B41F46BAB1FB4 Hope you all can get this download. Its the greatest love stroy that God has ever allowed to happen. It is still true to this day. Its all about John 3:16, about how God so loved the world, He sent His only son to die for us. As... Continue reading "Valentine's Day: The Greatest Love Story!!!" »

Lutheran or Catholic?

Hi there brothers and sisters in Christ, Well for the last two days at work, of all places, we have been talking about Lutheran and Catholic denomination in the Christian faith. First, we is just me and my brother in Christ, Chuck, and second, me and him have both denominations... Continue reading "Lutheran or Catholic?" »

What did Jesus go through before being crucified??

Hi to all my brothers and sisters in Christ, sorry I haven't taken the time to write but its been hectic with work and all the snow here in Muskegon, Michigan. I was thinking about how Christ was crucified earlier today and how horrible it was. I mean we all... Continue reading "What did Jesus go through before being crucified??" »

Trust in Jesus???

I know when my time on Earth is done and I go through Heavens door. I better back up and say that I hope to go through Heavens door, hope I haven't did the unforgivable sin. I know when God asks me why I did what I did in the... Continue reading "Trust in Jesus???" » Video Corner

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