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Red State Blue State Feed


Twas the night before Christmas And all thru the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. When all of a sudden A stamping I heard…. The smell of cigarettes was in the air. The presents were unwrapped and stolen. The cookies and milk were gone, With a... Continue reading "O-DUMBO THE XMAS GRINCH " »

Argument: Invalid

During the playoffs and the brief period between the end of the baseball season and the handing out of the postseason awards, the debate raged about whether or not Verlander would or indeed should win both the Cy Young and the MVP. There are those who I'm sure continue to... Continue reading "Argument: Invalid" »

From Legend to Just Great: It Really Is All About the Money

The older I get, the less value I see in vitriol. I am trying not to be angry right now. But I am hurt. I'm human. And humans have feelings -- feelings that, obviously, get hurt. I understand Albert Pujols had some hurt feelings too, because Ryan Howard -- a... Continue reading "From Legend to Just Great: It Really Is All About the Money" »

Setting the Mahmud

RSBS Special Correspondent and bonafide LOLstro lover, Mr. Johanna Mahmud reports: “Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines.” There are three things I can never remember: the first is people's names. The second is... is... Anyway, I know I love me some hot stove! I'm making my... Continue reading "Setting the Mahmud" »

The Kyle Farnsworth of Politics

In a stunning turn of events, Herman Cain will not be the next President of the United States. In other news, snorting pixie sticks will not get you high. The one thing that these two items have in common is that a lot of people should have seen it coming... Continue reading "The Kyle Farnsworth of Politics" »

I See What You Did There, White Sox Fan Girl

The Twittersphere is an oddly fantastic place. It's a lot like American Gladiators, you either get it or you're like "Dude, wtf is this insanity?" So whenever someone comes along and does something different, I have to give credit. We have a new follower whose handle is @White_Sox_Fans Of course,... Continue reading "I See What You Did There, White Sox Fan Girl" »


Opinions are like noses and everyone have one. My opinion is that the 2008 election was hacked by the Progressive Demo-rats with the help of their fairy godfather George Soros, who is the owner of the Diebold Voting Machines that were used on 2008 elections. As you can see the... Continue reading "DIEBOLD VOTING MACHINES ARE GEORGE SOROS’ MAGIC WAND!" »

In the Red Zone

Team sports pride themselves on their uniformity. It's how you tell one team from the other and it allows the players to bond within a certain sameness. Which, when you think about it, isn't so different from what the Soviets attempted to do. Treat everyone the same, make them wear... Continue reading "In the Red Zone" »

Jack of All Trades and MASTER OF THEM ALL!!!

Boston just got a bazillion times cooler. Seriously, I'm pumped to have Bobby V back in the game, just so I can post slobbery fanboy I'm-in-complete-awe-of-you-Bobby material. For example, did you know that in addition to inventing "the wrap" and never mispronouncing Benny Agbayani's name, Valentine is ALSO a 12th... Continue reading "Jack of All Trades and MASTER OF THEM ALL!!!" »

Let's Get Real

There are only two serious contenders for the Republican presidential nomination. Ok, let me rephrase. There are only two contenders for the Republican presidential nomination who should be taken seriously. And yet somehow, the polls see the Republicans bouncing from one disaster to the next. Is Mormonism really so bad... Continue reading "Let's Get Real" »


Opinions are like noses, everyone has one. I am a Legal Immigrant and for me as for other Legal Immigrants getting the citizenship is a great privilege. The majority of us are educated, professional people who were searching for freedom and the pursuit of happiness and that was the reason... Continue reading "PLEASE I BEG YOU! DON’T DISHONOR THE CITIZENSHIP!!" »

Valentine Masked by the Mayor

Stop it. Stop looking at me like that. If you want a Bobby Valentine/Red Sox dramaschlobfest post then go check out the worldwide leader in sports smut. This is Red State Blue State. And today we're talking about THE MAYOR. That's right. While Larry Lucchino was busy going behind Red... Continue reading "Valentine Masked by the Mayor" »

Setting the Mahmud

RSBS Special Correspondent and rogue horsicorn rider, Mr. Johanna Mahmud reports: “This is what happens when you leave home. You meet... people.” Men, are you moody? Are you out of shape? Do your testicles feel weird? Of course they do. The Astros are leaving the National League and you miss... Continue reading "Setting the Mahmud" »

Everything is Better With Vladimir

It's a hard time to be an international baseball player. Of course we all heard about what happened with Wilson Ramos in Venezuela but as harrowing as that experience may have been, at least he came out of it alive. The same can't be said of Seattle utility outfielder Greg... Continue reading "Everything is Better With Vladimir" »

The GIF That Keeps On Giving

There are three computers in my house. When idle, I like to keep the above GIF running on all three of them, so when I pass by I can get off on Greinke's angry bounce. Oh how sweet it is, oh how sweet it is. Don't hate me 'cuz I'm... Continue reading "The GIF That Keeps On Giving" » Video Corner

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