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From Legend to Just Great: It Really Is All About the Money

The older I get, the less value I see in vitriol. I am trying not to be angry right now. But I am hurt. I'm human. And humans have feelings -- feelings that, obviously, get hurt. I understand Albert Pujols had some hurt feelings too, because Ryan Howard -- a... Continue reading "From Legend to Just Great: It Really Is All About the Money" »

Is there any interest in Ryan Madson???

Once upon a time - about a month ago - Ryan Madson was a big story. His signing was a top priority for the Phillies this off-season. Then, a deal was in place. The Phils' signed Madson to a four-year, $44-million contract. It was big news! But wait . .... Continue reading "Is there any interest in Ryan Madson???" »

Will the Detroit Tigers make a significant move this off season? - Detroit Sports Media |

Will the Detroit Tigers make a significant move this off season? - Detroit Sports Media | Continue reading "Will the Detroit Tigers make a significant move this off season? - Detroit Sports Media |" »

Turnpike Throwdown 12/6/2011

James Flippin and Jeff Costello from Flippin' Out Radio star in the latest Turnpike Throwdown. The new Podcast is available. You can listen on's new 24/7 online radio station by clicking here, or On Demand, or in iTunes Radio in the sports category. You can also subscribe to our... Continue reading "Turnpike Throwdown 12/6/2011" »

Setting the Mahmud

RSBS Special Correspondent and bonafide LOLstro lover, Mr. Johanna Mahmud reports: “Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines.” There are three things I can never remember: the first is people's names. The second is... is... Anyway, I know I love me some hot stove! I'm making my... Continue reading "Setting the Mahmud" »

The Kyle Farnsworth of Politics

In a stunning turn of events, Herman Cain will not be the next President of the United States. In other news, snorting pixie sticks will not get you high. The one thing that these two items have in common is that a lot of people should have seen it coming... Continue reading "The Kyle Farnsworth of Politics" »

New York Yankees top prospects

The New York Yankees have a number of interesting prospects. Here is a quick primer as the baseball winter meeting get under way, and all of you baseball junkies wait for spring training. The most interesting prospect is Jesus Montero. He is a 22-year-old C/DH who was with the big... Continue reading "New York Yankees top prospects" »

The Miami Marlins sign Jose Reyes - National Sports business |

The Miami Marlins sign Jose Reyes - National Sports business | Continue reading "The Miami Marlins sign Jose Reyes - National Sports business |" »

Does Jack Morris have a Hall of Fame resume? - Detroit Sports History |

Does Jack Morris have a Hall of Fame resume? - Detroit Sports History | Continue reading "Does Jack Morris have a Hall of Fame resume? - Detroit Sports History |" »

Phillies sign Lance Nix, what other moves could come?

The Philadelphia Phillies, looking to replace Raul Ibanez in left field, reportedly have signed Lance Nix to a two year contract. Nix, a lefthander, will likely platoon with John Mayberry, Jr. in left field. Nix had a career high 324 at-bats for Washington in 124 games, with a .250 batting... Continue reading "Phillies sign Lance Nix, what other moves could come?" »

Ibanez Gets Nixed; Utley Procreates

Considering it is the offseason, this has been a busy week for the Phillies. In an unusual roster move, the Phillies have potentially signed left fielder Laynce Nix, 31, to a two-year deal, pending a physical. I say this is unusual because in a 9-year career, Nix is a .244... Continue reading "Ibanez Gets Nixed; Utley Procreates" »

Ramirez In Rollins Out, Busy Day at the Winter Meetings for Phillies

Ruben Amaro likes to get down to business and this year seems no different at the Winter Meetings for the Philadelphia Phillies. Rumors abounded today and two that everyone seem to be following concern third baseman Aramis Ramirez and shortstop Jimmy Rollins. Meetings with Ramirez's agent are heating up and... Continue reading "Ramirez In Rollins Out, Busy Day at the Winter Meetings for Phillies" »

Italian Hour Podcast Special Holiday Party Edition 12-3-11

Italian Hour's new podcast is available starring Nicolette Tropiano, Karen Ciasca Zeltman, and Anthony Campeggio. Italian Hour covers the world of entertainment, dining and wine, and Philadelphia sports. You can listen on's new 24/7 online radio station by clicking here. You can hear the show On Demand by clicking... Continue reading "Italian Hour Podcast Special Holiday Party Edition 12-3-11" »

Garden State Radio Holiday Extravaganza 12-3-11

Garden State Radio's latest podcast is available. This is a special show from the MTR Radio Holiday Party. You can listen on's new 24/7 online radio station by clicking here. You can also subscribe to our Podcast in iTunes. (Search for or listen by clicking on the link... Continue reading "Garden State Radio Holiday Extravaganza 12-3-11" »

I See What You Did There, White Sox Fan Girl

The Twittersphere is an oddly fantastic place. It's a lot like American Gladiators, you either get it or you're like "Dude, wtf is this insanity?" So whenever someone comes along and does something different, I have to give credit. We have a new follower whose handle is @White_Sox_Fans Of course,... Continue reading "I See What You Did There, White Sox Fan Girl" » Video Corner

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