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Vikings McNabb Now Unemployed - Sweet Home Chicago?

2011-card-new-mcnabbThe Minnesota Vikings have agreed to release, at his request, quarterback Donovan McNabb.  McNabb who was the starter at the beginning of the season had been demoted to the third string QB for the Vikings. 

McNabb has said that he wants to be a starter and with so many QBs being injured around the league look for someone to pick him up to make a playoff run.  The Bears, McNabb’s home town team, are now without a starting QB.  

McNabb had been rumored to be going to Chicago before he had left the Eagles two years ago.  It might be a good fit for the Bears who are not likely to make the playoffs with backup Caleb Hanie. 

McNabb has a $5.05 million contract for 2011 and would cost a team about $1.5 million for the remainder of the season.  That is a cheap pickup for a team that thinks it can make a playoff run.


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I think that is dumb just what the Bears need a washed up QB that is from the Vikings and from the halpless Egales.

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