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Albert Pujols is Headed to Walley World

Pujols to Walley WorldAlbert Pujols turned down more than $200 million from the Cardinals to head out to sunny California.  The deciding factor: Theme Parks!

Disney once owned the Angels from 1996 to 2003, but sold the team to it's current owner Arte Moreno.  Unfortunately, Pujols was unaware of this change in ownership.  A disappointed Pujols is bummed; no season passes for the family!

There is a bright side . . .  

While Disney no longer owns the team, the Angels are still part of the "Theme Park" circuit.  Moreno, as you may or may not know, is also the owner of Walley World - America's Favorite Family Fun Park!

1. Roy Walley 

Roy Walley  

2. Arte Moreno

Angels Owner Arte Moreno 

Pujols is gonna get those passes after all.  The Family Truckster is packed up and ready to go.  In the morning, the Pujols clan will make their cross country trip to the west coast.  Of course they will be picking up Aunt Edna along the way!  


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