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Get through the recession by earning your degree in teaching

This was a spam Email that I received.

“Make a difference in schools by becoming a teacher.”
“There are many teaching programs available.”

Who wants to become a teacher today? Public education is under fire and under scrutiny. People think that teachers are overpaid and underproductive. These same so called leaders are trying to get more charters for profit schools to invest their riches in. Meanwhile educational officials want everything based on test scores and some of the public wants teacher’s test scores make available to them through the newspapers.

In Los Angeles, teachers have been laid off. There are no jobs for new teachers and if there were they would be in the hardest to staff schools which the teaching programs do not prepare you for.

I would not advise anyone to enter the field today. The demands, the scrutiny, the tests scores are the only significant things, teaching to the test and the testing calendars, unsupportive administrators, larger class sizes, and gigantic reduction in funds for materials are just a few of the reasons that teaching is no longer a desirable profession and almost 50% of new teachers leave before they have completed five years.


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