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A Letter from Timothy to the Corinthians

Jesus feeds 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, Moses parts bodies of water, and Tim Tebow wins football games- no feat being more miraculous than the other.

  Lopresti-the-terrific-tale-of-tim-tebow-nrkkh7b-x-largeWith just over 2 minutes left in the game, the Denver Disciples were down 10-0 to the Chicago Bears.  In the first three quarters, Tebow was 3-16 with one interception, no TD’s, and a dismal passer rating in single digits. 

 Enter, Tebow Time.

 In the fourth quarter, Tebow was 15 of 20 passing, including a touchdown to Demaryius Thomas with 2:08 seconds left in regulation.  Tebow then led his 10 apostles in consecutive drives that ended in 50+ yard field goals. 

 The Broncos reportedly switched to a different playbook in the fourth quarter, which they are referring to as the New Testament. 

 It’s a cut and dry debate.  Tim Tebow prays harder than anyone in the league.

 There’s no other explanation as to why Marion Barber would run out of bounds with less than two minutes on the clock, when staying inbounds would end the game.  You can call it stupidity, but Tebow just calls it destiny.

 Marion Barber then fumbled in overtime, turning the ball over to the Broncos.  The game summary says Wesly Woodward stripped the ball, but I have a hard time believing it wasn’t the hand of the Lord. 

 The atheists can talk until their blue in the face about evolution, the big bang theory and how Jesus Christ didn’t rise from the dead – maybe valid points, maybe not. But Tim Tebow winning with that throwing motion?  Something else is going on here.

 Wikipedia says Tebow’s mother’s name is Pamela, but I’ll be damned if He wasn’t born to a non-sexually active, pleasant girl named Mary.

 Players routinely point up to “God” after a touchdown or a home run, Tebow just calls him “dad.”

 Tebow will bring his Sunday sermons to New England next week against the Patriots.  Tom Brady vs. God, let’s see how that one works out for the Pats.

 In the name of the Father, of Tim Tebow, and of the Holy Spirit.




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