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NBA Update: NBA to change name to the NBC

Empty Sixers Game - No Body Cares!!!!

It looks like there may not be an NBA season.  Does anybody care?  Not really.  That's why the NBA has decided to change their name.


"National Basketball Association"

is now. . .


"No Body Cares"

Don't worry, you will not be deprived of your sports entertainment.  Rumor has it networks will begin to televise Curling in it's place.  For the NBA's - I'm sorry - the NBC's sake, I hope this is not the case.  Remember when Tom Brady replaced an injured Drew Bledsoe?  Bledsoe lost his job!   Should Curling get the opportunity to replace and injured NBA - sorry, did it again - NBC, you may never see basketball again!

Curling will replace Basketball



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