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NBA Players Reject Deal - 2011-12 Season over??? Read the Offer

Nba-logoWhen an NBA tree falls in the forrest does anyone really care?   

The NBA's players union has rejected the latest and possible final offer from the NBA's owners.  This could end the 2011-12 season and beyond.  check out the league's latest offer and decide for yourself.

Download NBA_proposal

I thought for sure that once a few players started missing paychecks that they would crumble like an old man putting crackers in his soup.  The union is now saying that they will file an anti-trust lawsuit against the league.

This will only make things worse and will definitely kill the entire season.

I am torn on this lockout.  It is hard to choose sides when both sides are millionaires but in this case I may be on the side of the owners.  20 of the leagues teams are losing money.  This can not last if the NBA does not want to go the way of the USFL and other failed leagues like the WNBA.

To do this the NBA needs to get their financial house in order.  Overpaying for an average product is not a good business plan.

The market will not go for it.





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