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Are LeBron James and Tim Tebow Most Annoying Athletes in Sports?



The tall and short of it is that two star athletes tend to turn us off our feed.

We can never visit Cleveland without the memory of a town desecrated, humiliated and demeaned by a tall athlete. NBA’s LeBron James is king without a conscience.

And, we will never visit Denver while the town is filled with pious, holier than thou, and T-bonehead fans.

NFL’s Tim Tebow reminds us of the churchgoer on Sunday who will knock over old ladies to reach that front row pew.

We say pew pew to Tebow and LeBron.

Overrated talent in a sport is hardly news or grounds for being despised. In fact, many second-rate players have become popular, if not beloved.

We will cry for Argentina before we find ourselves enamoured of James and Tim.

That twosome is about as irksome as Tom and Jerry. And, we can only be grateful and do some Tebowing that they are not in the same sport.

We could not abide the Terrible Twins on the same court, unless it’s Federal Appeals.

Both men seem made for television reality shows. Perhaps we could team them up as a modern Odd Couple to enhance their fame and increase their appreciation. Perhaps they deserve roles on Kim Kardashian’s hit list of male companions.

Granted, Tim Tebow is the first person to make me feel sorry for Rex Ryan. When the Bronco QB ran into the endzone, we watched a hapless and sad Ryan.

And, not to be outdone, LeBron makes me feel outright pity for coach Erik Spoelstra, bumped and dumped by his star nightly.

When the media makes giant stars out of neutrinos, we know they will fall harder than an asteroid landing on a dinosaur.


William Russo's newest book is now out, ready for your tablet, your smartphone, your Kindle or Nook. Read RED SOX 2011: A WHIMSICAL AUTOPSY to find a month-by-month examination of the team, showing all the signs of trouble that most sports media missed. His other sports books are SEX, DRUGS, SPORTS & WHIMSY and RAJON RONDO: SUPERSTAR! 






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