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Fans That Don't Boo, Don't Deserve a Team!

Phillies Fan BooGrowing up a Philadelphia Phillies fan at Veteran's Stadium, I learned a valuable lesson. The importance of booing. Watching the introductions at Busch Stadium for game one of the World Series, I realized an important fact, the St Louis Cardinals should move their franchise... as should any other franchise where your fans are so passive that you hear clapping when the team's World Series opponent is announced.

That is exactly what happened tonight in St Louis. The Texas Rangers were announced and greeted with clapping. Now I understand the argument that there are probably a lot of Rangers fans there. Wait, no I do not! If fans from another team cheer for their team in Philadelphia, they are flooded with boos. Not the case for the non passionate St Louis fan. Instead they sat there with an appreciative golf clap.

I have news for you Cardinal fans, and any other fans that do not stand behind their team. THIS IS NOT GOLF! If you can't get involved and heckle your team's opponent, you do not deserve to have a team! While I dislike hate New York and Boston fans, at least I can respect them. If the Phillies were playing the Yankees in the World Series, or even in a Spring Training game, and I cheered for them at the away stadium, I would expect to be drowned out and heckled by their fans that love their team. 

Do these fans even care about their team? Or are they just out for a night on the town like they are seeing a Broadway show? Their actions state the latter.

Let me be clear. I am not for fighting, violence, or any other acts of stupidity. But I am for giving the opposing team and their fans the hardest time I can so it is an unfriendly place for their team to play. At Citizens Bank Park they call us the tenth fan. I guess in St Louis you can call them the non factor.

Shame on you St Louis fans! And shame on all fans that do not know how to support your team. If you just don't care, maybe you don't deserve a team. Go see a musical. The tempature is better and the beer is cheaper!

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