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Good Vibrations

Baseball, as any fan can tell you, is a game of amazing highs and unthinkable lows.  For every Kirk Gibson fistpump around the bases in the World Series there's an Ugandan little league team that didn't qualify for visas to the LL World Series.  Which means there's no sense in wasting time worrying about the bad stuff.  It's much more important to make the most of the good stuff.  If there's one man in baseball who embodies that spirit, it's Brian Wilson.

Now, I understand that not everyone likes Wilson.  However I find the guy hilarious.  His sea captain routine on the Jimmy Kimmell show was a brilliant piece of performance art.  Honestly, he is to baseball what Lady Gaga wishes she was to music.  If that was ever in doubt you need only refer to the Espy's:

Even more than that, though, an interview he did with Cheap Seats cemented his status for me:

But like other Brian Wilsons before him, I think it makes more sense to let the guy express his thoughts using his own words.  What do you say to that, Brian? “I’m a professional baseball player in my 20′s. I’m not gonna speak monotone then wake up, be 35 and the games over and I didn’t have any fun.”  Amen.




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