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Rubio Finally Arrives in NBA

Ricky Rubio has been buzzing in Spain, the way Lebron was buzzing in the US, since he was 14 years old. (I’m talking about Lebron coming up from high school but, I guess Lebron is probably buzzing now more than ever. Except, this time it’s for the wrong reasons) Rick Rubio was playing against the US Redeem Team at the age of 17, which is completely absurd. He was the golden child of Europe and is still expected to become a huge star

Lebron and Rubio: Same Hype, Different Countries

(Kind of the way Freddy Adu was supposed to become a huge soccer star…didn’t really happen) At the young of age of 21 he will officially make his NBA debut but, not with the same amount of buzz he had after being drafted back in 2009. (Isn’t it hilarious that they drafted Johnny Flynn, Rick Rubio, and Ty Lawson in the draft…the one they traded looks like the one that is going to be the best? Hypothetical scenario, the Cavs take Derrick Williams and T-Wolves cannot find a deal and have to draft Kyrie Irving. Imagine David Kahn kept him that would make him the Matt Millen of basketball. He did say he thought Flynn and Rubio could co-exist in the same backcourt. I don’t see it) When Rubio was drafted people were expecting him to join the NBA and instantly become a top 5 passer in the league. That could still be very possible but, according to numbers and what I have read; Ricky Rubio’s jump shot sounds as bad as Rajon Rondo’s. That is a scary thought. Rubio is the first European guard I have ever heard of with an inconsistent jump shot; I guess he truly is the Lebron James of Spain. He probably was quickest kid on the court in Spain. No one knew how to guard him because they were so awed by his passing and dribbling ability. He never found a need to develop a jump shot when he was younger because he did not need it, and now is struggling to develop a stroke. (I am starting to believe the same goes for Lebron. He was just the most athletic kid at all times in his life and he was able to get by one just that. It was always popular to develop your dribbling because that is what the street game was all about. People want to look flashy but, being flashy does not mean being good. Just ask Hot Sauce)

Where is Hot Sauce?

One thing we have discovered over the years as that to be a superstar and win a championship, you have to be able to shoot the ball. Imagine Lebron James had an effective jumpshot; he probably would have never left Cleveland because he would have at least made the Finals and possibly won a ring by now. Jason Kidd in New Jersey would have been unstoppable if he had the jumpshot he had today. (By unstoppable I mean he would have beaten the Spurs, still would have had no shot at beating LA.) Derrick Rose could have really used a consistent jumpshot down the stretch of games in the playoffs, although he has developed his shot quicker than most players I have ever seen. Shooting the ball is the most important skill in basketball, Dirk Nowitzki proved that this past June (Kobe also proved it could lengthen your career substantially. Wade needs to this soon because his body is taking too much of a beating). That has to be what worries me the most about Rubio, combined with the fact that his numbers were not very stellar. For that I will give him the benefit of the doubt because Brandon Jennings struggled over there too and had a great deal of success his rookie year in the NBA (Did slow down this year though and shooting was a major reason for that). I will say that most players from Spain have been able to transition well into this league and all though Pau is softer than dough; his brother is gritty and looks semi-intimidating with his beard. Jose Calderon is a point guard you can look at who has had some success in this league and has come directly from Spain (does have a jump shot though). But, realistically if Rubio’s passing ability is as good as it looks on highlight tapes (Ricky Rubio Highlight reel, he does wow you with some of those passes) and as impressive as scouts have made it sound. Than, I believe Ricky Rubio has a great chance to succeed in this league but, he does have to join the T-Wolves.

Rubio was clearly not paying attention

This is an organization that was never able to give Kevin Garnett the team he needed to win a championship when at the time he was a top 10 player in the league for about 7 years. (Arguably the best in a few of those) They have never been able to develop a great team and decided to trade away Al Jefferson for two future first rounder and Kosta Koufos (really that’s the best you could get, two picks from the Jazz and a guy that may be as useless as Fesenko) The good sign for the Wolves is that Kevin Love looked like an absolute rebounding machine last year and he also has an offensive arsenal. (Still has work to do defensively) Michael Beasley was really a bright spot last season and looked like he turned the corner as a person (no weed incidents) and a player (averaged 19.2 PPG).

Beasley and Love: The new look T-Wolves

Wesley Johnson looked like he could have a solid future but, they still do not have a formidable center and to say Johnny Flynn has not lived up to the hype would be an under statement (Still don’t understand the Flynn-Kemba comparisons. Walker is a great shooter, Flynn is not even average) Minnesota is apparently now looking towards Derrick Williams, sure just have two Michael Beasleys on your team. Even if Williams or Beasley could develop into a 4, (Kind of like Josh Smith except, Williams would have to transform and he is still not half the shot blocker Smith is) you’re going to put Kevin Love at the 5. Good Luck. They have to trade that pick and try to add a veteran in the deal. They can than draft Kanter or Valuncias (I know another international guy in need of a buy out) I guess they could go in another direction if they want but, Center/defensive player is their biggest need.

Rubio on Draft Day 09

I think Ricky Rubio can have success in the league and who knows maybe he will be a star but, his decline in production worries me. There are always players who peak early because when they are young they are simply more advanced than their peers. Some of these players get caught up to by the same kids that they dominated when they were younger. I am as excited as anyone to see another Spanish player in the league (that means more entertainment on foul calls. Over/Under 5 minutes before Rubio flops/complains about a foul call). Hopefully, he will be the next Pistol Pete but, he better get in the gym and develop that jump shot. If not it may take much longer to adjust and 21 is no longer what it once was. Look at Lebron he’s been in the league 8 years and still hasn’t figured out how to shoot a basketball; if Ricky takes that long he’ll be pushing 30. Good luck Rubio.

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