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Yankees hitting home runs at record pace

The New York Yankees are bringing new meaning to the nick name bronx bombers so far in 2011. With there three home runs last night against the Rangers the yankees have now hit an astounding 27 home runs in just 14 games which is a pace of nearly two per game so far this season. This is a record for the yankees in this few games. There previos record had been 25 set in the year 1932 with names like ruth and mantle. The leaders for the yankees are Posada, Texiera, Rodriguez, who have five each to this point. Surely this pace will not keep up all season long you wouldn't think but it is certainly nice too see the bats come alive especially with the question marks in the starting pitching. This also poses the question is getting most of your runs by way of the home run the best way to play well not really but at the same token at least they are out slugging the oppenent early on. Although it is early in the season i kind of get the feeling this could be one of the best home run hitting seasons ever if the team continues to at least hit them consistently. At the same time i would like to see them become a little more in the small ball hitting as well, but the season is still young lets just see how it all plays out.


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