NFL News: League To Resume Operations Tomorrow Morning
Here is the latest in the on-going saga that is the current NFL labor mess---and it is a mess! The NFL is in serious danger of finding itself in contempt of court as they wait for a ruling on their appeal of the injunction with the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.
In the interim, the league has been essentially told, or advised by Counsel, that they need to resume "business as usual" ASAP.
Thus, starting tomorrow at 8AM, facilities will be open. This means players and coaches can begin most normal off season activities. The main thing that is not yet clear is when the free agency signing period may commence. Of course, this all could change if the 8th circuit agrees to lift the injunction.
I have a headache....
Remember to check back tonight for MTR Media's live NFL draft coverage beginning at 8:00pm, est!