Two stages of our lives!!
Hello to all my brothers and sisters in Christ, I was reading the book THE TEACHING OF CHRIST: A CATHOLIC CATECHISM FOR ADULTS and within the first chapter something jumped at me. It told of two stages of our lives. One was HOPE and JOY and the other one was GRIEF and ANXIETY. Even the most Christ like person lives through this, we all do. I have and always do. I am glad I wake up every morning to spread the word of Jesus Christ to those who don't believe or are having difficulties. I am glad I have a good family, a home, food, water and a job. I am also thankful and happy for a car to get me to work. I also have had the grief and anxiety every day. I sometimes don't like my job cause I get paid so little so thats grief, and anxiety is just trying to keep my job to pay my bills. I lost my dad when I was 14 years old as you all know but there was mixed feelings there. I was sad to lose him yet glad he was out of his pain finally. We all feel that when we lose people who are dear to us. We ALL do. We are humans. God gave us emotion and feelings for that. Your best bet is to be a good Christian and know there is a place where we go after we die which is greater than anything down here. God loves us and He showed that when he sent Jesus to die because He loves us so much. Let me know what your two stages of life are like, ups and downs of your life have been is a better way to put it. Until next time, God bless and remember only Jesus saves!!