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My love for the Great Lakes!!

Hey ladies and gents,  I usually write about Jesus Christ but today I am writing about another love of mine.  The Great Lakes!!  I hve always loved the lakes.  Hell, I live about 5-7 minutes away from the longest of them, Lake Michigan.  I have been to all 5 of them.  My favorite is, all of them, lol.  I loved Lake Superior, mainly cause I love shipwrecks.  I love the coldness of Lake Superior even in the summer months.  I remember in 1995 we went to Whitefish Point to see the spot where the SS Edmund Fitzgerald was supposed to be going for on her fateful trip, in which she sank.  Thats a whole other story though.  So we were at the edge of Lake Superior, my dad was shooting film of it and watching some big ore carrier in the background and I was by him describing the Fitzgerald and how 29 men went down with her.  My mom and brother were walking the beach and enjoying the nice beach sand.  Then I looked to my left and saw a shirt and shoes.  Heard screaming too, fun screaming and looked and there was 2 people, a guy and a gal, having some fun swimming in Lake Superior.  I went up thinking must be warm for them to be swimming, I touched it and boy was I wrong.  I am not a wimp to cold water either, I love ice cold water to drink and pouring on my head on a nice summer day.  I have swam in Lake Michigan when it was in the lower 50's or at least waded in or got my feet wet, without complaining too.  I love the feel of water, just always have, took alot of swimming lessons when I was a kid but that is not part of the story lol.  I guess I was trying to say that Lake Superior in June or July was ice cold and I wouldn't have been out there swimming away, would have caught a bad cold and probably died.  I have been to Lake Huron, even saw that going up to Whitefish Point, cause that is the lake you see going over the Mackinaw Bridge.  Never have swam in it, but have threw stones into it and have video footage my dad shot of it, a ore carrier was going under the bridge at that time too.  Back to Lake Superior for a sec too, if you have never been to Paradise/Whitefish Point, or you like lighthouses, the one up there is great.  I loved it and still have the website for it, maybe some day I will go back up there.  I plan on it anyways.  Ok, back to the lakes.  My uncle and aunt, live by lake Ontario, and have been on his boat many times on Lake Ontario, it was a while ago and I can't remember it that well but had fun, I love the lakes, so I know I had fun.  Lake Erie, is the one I never have even touched.  I have see it going over the bridge into Canada and I think with my uncle by his house but maybe over the bridge, that goes to Canada, might have been lake Huron again.  Lake Michigan is the one I am closest too, most of my boat pictures on facebook are from the Muskegon channel which runs into Lake Michigan and runs from my favorite little lake, Muskegon Lake.  Theres even a few shipwrecks around our channel here in Muskegon but that is for another blog.  Hope you enjoy and please comment about anything lake wise or how I write.  Thanks and God bless.  Remember only Jesus saves.  God bless the mariners and Coast Guard, they have to go out, they don't have to come back!!!


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