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Who has the most game winning goals in Montreal Canadiens history?

During their long and wonderful history there have been some great players dressed in the Bleau, Blanc et Rouge of the Montreal Canadiens.  Who has the most game winning shots in their NHL history? 

Was it the Rocket?  Believe it or not, he isn't even in the top ten!  I can't even believe it for he is the guy who could score when the chips were down. 

Beliveau?  Nope not even in the top ten!  Cournoyer?  nope ranked second. 

Lemaire?  Lalonde?  No, Lemaire was ranked 3rd and Lalonde didn't make the top ten.

Nope, the list of the top ten totals of game winning goals is below.  Its no surprise who is on top..... He scored an amazing 93 game winning goals!!!!










Game-Winning Goals

1. Guy Lafleur 93
2. Yvan Cournoyer 68
3. Jacques Lemaire 58
4. Steve Shutt 49
5. Mario Tremblay 36
  Stephane Richer 36
7. Saku Koivu 35
  Pete Mahovlich 35
  Vincent Damphousse 35
10. Bob Gainey 34
  Mats Naslund 34


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